Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My little enjoyment for the night :)

I started off my day with going to school, doing homework, catching up with friends, and went to work. Yes, I work and I love it unlike most people just go to make a living. Anyways, when I came home I did the normal routine of dropping my backpack off on the couch and greeting my two dogs because they didn't see me all day. I then go into my bedroom to find my boyfriend laying there waiting for me to come home to grab me and give me a kiss and let me know to relax. Well, as we were resting from our long days of work, he then begins to ask if I suddenly became rich if I would take care of him or leave him on the street. Me, being me, joked and said I would leave him on the street, well it didn't seem like a joke to him. He than proceeds to avoid me and play with one of the dogs and then I hear him scream "OUCH!!!!!!!! Bad dog!!! She bit my toe!!!." As soon as he tells me this I begin to laugh and think that's what you get for ignoring me. At first he thought, it hurts a little but no big deal then he walks to the bathroom and as soon as he turns on the light he sees blood. 
Again, I hear him yell "I'M BLEEDING!!!!." As an EMT I'm thinking hes just overreacting and there is no blood, but then I see his food and guess what is actually there, blood! I'm thinking to myself if he needs stitches or need to go to the ER, until I clean it. When I get done cleaning it and actually take a look at the damage that was done, I soon find myself looking at just a witty bitty cut that wasn't even a half inch long! Now the jokes come in about how hes supposed to be this manly man and he is crying over a little cut! Come on now dude, suck it up and while I am enjoying my time laughing at him, I proceed to clean it out thoroughly and put a bandage on it. Talk about over exaggerating.

1 comment:

  1. Audrey--Pretty good first entries. You have some good content and ideas. Keep working on developing and analyzing. Don't forget about rhetoric, and make sure to edit carefully. Also, the bright green is pretty uncomfortable to read.
