Thursday, June 4, 2015

Blog: Entry #3 Wall-E

Image result for wall-e Wall-E! I don't know about you but I love this movie! I was watching this the other day and for those who you don't know about the movie Wall-E, Wall-E is one of the many robot's that was built to help people clean up the huge mess on earth, supposedly, but the he was the only one to survive after the other robots died. Then the earth became consumed with trash, their solution was to send people into space until the earth was clean again and they can come back to start over if there was a sign of life. While in space, people become to reliable on technology and began to become fat and could no longer see what technology has done to their shuttle. Well, one day Wall-E finds a way to go to their space ship and accidentally bumps into a few people, the world they are living in. In the movie there was a certain part of the film that astounded me about how reliable people can become on technology. 
In this part of the film, there was a man who was sitting in his floating chair, looking straight forward, and talking to a person who was on a screen, who just happened to be right next to him. Here is the clip if you want to see what I am talking about: Human dystopia. All, I am thinking about during this clip was, I really hope I don't become that fat! Haha. No, I was hoping I don't relay on technology that much, that I can't even look to my left to speak to a person. I know that technology is part of everyday life, which we have grown to use more and more everyday, but do you know how much it consumes a person everyday? Lets put it in perspective shall we, in today's society everyone works to make a decent living right? We work to pay bills, out food the table, and even send our kids to school. 
What if, one day you went to work and suddenly the electricity goes out. Everyone begins to panic because they don't know if their files have been saved or they have just lost a client! Your manger begins to try alternate ways to get the power back on but nothing works, and everyone is sent home because no one can work! If you can't work you no longer can afford a decent living but luckily in today's society there are guys to fix it. We can all go back to work and we can go get that robot that can clean your floors with a switch of a button, so you can come home a take your shoes off and walk around barefooted. In the movie they thought a robot can help fix the problem and you want a robot to help you sweep the floors. A small resemblance there isn't there. 


  1. Great viewpoints Audrey. Sad thing was I spent a lot of time being the fixer guy. Technology is great when used properly. My wife works from home and when the system goes down they still get paid but the customers will flood the lines when it comes back up.

    We once had two floor robots but our dogs did not like that type of technology and destroyed them.

  2. Hahahaha thats funny about your dogs destroying your robots.I guess they didn't want to share their territory
