Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Blog #5: Food Inc.

Image result for food inc
A movie based on food, now this is my type of movie!
At least that's what I thought, before I was scared for life.
This movie showed me that the government does not care about how you can possibly die 
from the food we all consume because it will cost them money.
Honestly people, you can't seriously believe that the government will never sell bad food.
In this movie, they talk about how major food distributors will not let you go into their
warehouses or how the people who work for them cannot do anything to stop
 it because they can sue them for break of contract. Everyone has to make a 
living but no one should not be held accountable for someone else bad decision making.
I know that everyone will work one day because lets face it, we need to survive.
We need to eat! We need water! 
Shoot, in today's world, when faced with paying $7 for a salad and only a $1 for
a burger, what is going to be the choice we all make?
Do you know, what that can do for our bodies?
Image result for what if wild animals ate fast foodImage result for what if wild animals ate fast food 
If this can happen to these wild animals, when consuming fast food
what do you think we look like?
I get that some people even say, well you are what you eat!
If we are what we eat then,
Image result for food inc
If 80% of antibiotics are used on factory farms then, we eat antibiotics too right?
Think about it, where do you buy your groceries?    A grocery store, duh!
Where does the grocery store get their food from?     A supplier
Which suppliers?       Tyson, Sweet-n-low, Tropicana
How do they produce their product?      By growing or raising livestock
How do we know if it is healthy for us?        Because it says so
So, do we believe everything everyone tells us?
I am going to say a no to that, why let distributors say it is good and believe them?
I don't know about everyone else, but the way I was taught to 
raise cattle, was with respect.
Waking up in the morning to feed the cattle or getting on your
hands and knees to pull weeds from your vegetables. 
 I know it may be gross for some people to let nature take it course,
because all the bugs and all.
People it is okay, that is why this planet is life sustaining.
We have humans and animals to help in every aspect
to keep us alive. 
Certain bugs kill bacteria on plants and vegetables, 
we pick these plants and vegetables,
we cook and eat with them,
we live,
we plant again.


  1. i would never spend seven bucks for a salad at a fast food joint. i would spend seven bucks on a salad if i had a coupon and it was from soup plantation or sweet tomatoes. my salads from home are preplanned as i do not make it for one day but multiple days.

    many years ago i took a trip to central mexico. we stayed on a ranch and everyday the food was fresh. i have not had meat that tasted that good since. the beans and tortillas were also made from scratch. that is possibly the closest i have come in my life to eat food that was not chemically altered or proceed foods used.

  2. I agree, that organic foods are the best!! Plus, coupons never hurt to eat more healthy and that may b a way to help people eat more healthy, at least that's what I think.

  3. I am loving how it is very direct and to the point.

  4. Jenn: Yeah I like to be direct, but with science I sometimes over explain things.
