Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blog #7: My experience with Blogging

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Although, blogging has been a great experience for me
it has also been a first for me.
When I first entered this class I was surprised with all 
of the many ways I can improve my writing skills.
I have had the chance to explore many writing techniques
but also view different opinions on topics.

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 Learning how to voice my own opinions has been hard for me.
I was never great about speaking out
but through this English class I was able to see how 
my voice can make a difference. 
There were topics I was given, that I never 
gave much thought to, for instance what goes in our foods?
The ability to see how much of a difference 
it is to eat organic or food processed meat can have an effect on our bodies.
Another great experience I have had with blogging,
was the ability to see other peoples personality by viewing there blog.

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 Some of my classmates have a fun, gamey, or even have 
a passion for music. 
I may not see many of my classmates but I can always continue 
this blog.
I enjoyed blogging in every aspect and am hoping to continue doing this.

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So, thank you everyone who has taken the time to 
view my blog or even shown interest.
I hope everyone can take everything you learned and 
use it wisely throughout your career.
Also, I would like to say a huge thank you to
Professor Nailson for taking the time out of the summer to help
me learn new innovative ways to write.

Wishing everything the very best!!!!
Enjoy your life to the fullest!!!!!!

 Yours Truly,
Image result for audrey name

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bog #6: It's not fear, it's your memories!

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If, you have not read my introduction, I LOVE THE BRAIN!!
There are so many fascinating information which can be discovered everyday!
The reason I love the brain is because it controls your daily living. 
You can never do anything without the help of your brain.
Think about it, why do you fear certain things?
The mind works in ways, which are a constant mystery.
To answer my question, when you experience, a feeling such as fear, it is a response from a past memory.
The general concept of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by by the belief that
someone or something is dangerous, cause pain, or a feeling of threat.
There are actually a part of your brain that categorizes fear in two different responses.
The first stimulus is the scary response, which decides where to send incoming sensory signals.
The scary stimulus might be a danger or may not, but your brain does not take chances and
sends a stimulus to your sensory cortex and a part of your brain which control your emotions called, the amygdala.

When the response reaches your amygdala, it initiates your Fight-or Flight response.
The fight response your sensory cortex interprets danger sounds, looks, or smells.
The flight response is when you are on guard but does not interpret danger signs.
If the brain responds to a fight response, it then tells your sensory cortex to help a part
of your brain called the hippocampus to signal your past fear memories.
The past memories of fear, then trigger emotions of fear which then 
enables your body to respond to fear.
If it was a flight response, your minds simply stops the fear response.

So next, time when you are afraid of something, think about your memories.
How did you respond and respond differently.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Blog #5: Food Inc.

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A movie based on food, now this is my type of movie!
At least that's what I thought, before I was scared for life.
This movie showed me that the government does not care about how you can possibly die 
from the food we all consume because it will cost them money.
Honestly people, you can't seriously believe that the government will never sell bad food.
In this movie, they talk about how major food distributors will not let you go into their
warehouses or how the people who work for them cannot do anything to stop
 it because they can sue them for break of contract. Everyone has to make a 
living but no one should not be held accountable for someone else bad decision making.
I know that everyone will work one day because lets face it, we need to survive.
We need to eat! We need water! 
Shoot, in today's world, when faced with paying $7 for a salad and only a $1 for
a burger, what is going to be the choice we all make?
Do you know, what that can do for our bodies?
Image result for what if wild animals ate fast foodImage result for what if wild animals ate fast food 
If this can happen to these wild animals, when consuming fast food
what do you think we look like?
I get that some people even say, well you are what you eat!
If we are what we eat then,
Image result for food inc
If 80% of antibiotics are used on factory farms then, we eat antibiotics too right?
Think about it, where do you buy your groceries?    A grocery store, duh!
Where does the grocery store get their food from?     A supplier
Which suppliers?       Tyson, Sweet-n-low, Tropicana
How do they produce their product?      By growing or raising livestock
How do we know if it is healthy for us?        Because it says so
So, do we believe everything everyone tells us?
I am going to say a no to that, why let distributors say it is good and believe them?
I don't know about everyone else, but the way I was taught to 
raise cattle, was with respect.
Waking up in the morning to feed the cattle or getting on your
hands and knees to pull weeds from your vegetables. 
 I know it may be gross for some people to let nature take it course,
because all the bugs and all.
People it is okay, that is why this planet is life sustaining.
We have humans and animals to help in every aspect
to keep us alive. 
Certain bugs kill bacteria on plants and vegetables, 
we pick these plants and vegetables,
we cook and eat with them,
we live,
we plant again.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blog Entry #4:Courage

In recent news, the world has been talking about how, once was Bruce Jenner, is now Catiyln Jenner and how that took courage to do so. I understand that it does take courage to do such a dramatic transformation to yourself and for some it is seen as courageous, for others ,such as myself, there are far more courageous things out there. Everyday, there are people across this world and lay their life
Image result for courage down for our freedom. Our men and women in uniform leave their families behind only to put their lives in their fellow soldiers hand to help get each other back home safe and sound. A single hello from their families means the world to them and even if it takes a month to get a letter, the happiness that fills their faces are worth the wait. I have family members in the military and to this day they talk about how much courage it took to leave their families behind. They deal with having to create battle crosses or the pressure they feel when overseas, the amount of things they can handle while away from home. Now that is courage!Image result for soldiers fallen comrades

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Blog: Entry #3 Wall-E

Image result for wall-e Wall-E! I don't know about you but I love this movie! I was watching this the other day and for those who you don't know about the movie Wall-E, Wall-E is one of the many robot's that was built to help people clean up the huge mess on earth, supposedly, but the he was the only one to survive after the other robots died. Then the earth became consumed with trash, their solution was to send people into space until the earth was clean again and they can come back to start over if there was a sign of life. While in space, people become to reliable on technology and began to become fat and could no longer see what technology has done to their shuttle. Well, one day Wall-E finds a way to go to their space ship and accidentally bumps into a few people, the world they are living in. In the movie there was a certain part of the film that astounded me about how reliable people can become on technology. 
In this part of the film, there was a man who was sitting in his floating chair, looking straight forward, and talking to a person who was on a screen, who just happened to be right next to him. Here is the clip if you want to see what I am talking about: Human dystopia. All, I am thinking about during this clip was, I really hope I don't become that fat! Haha. No, I was hoping I don't relay on technology that much, that I can't even look to my left to speak to a person. I know that technology is part of everyday life, which we have grown to use more and more everyday, but do you know how much it consumes a person everyday? Lets put it in perspective shall we, in today's society everyone works to make a decent living right? We work to pay bills, out food the table, and even send our kids to school. 
What if, one day you went to work and suddenly the electricity goes out. Everyone begins to panic because they don't know if their files have been saved or they have just lost a client! Your manger begins to try alternate ways to get the power back on but nothing works, and everyone is sent home because no one can work! If you can't work you no longer can afford a decent living but luckily in today's society there are guys to fix it. We can all go back to work and we can go get that robot that can clean your floors with a switch of a button, so you can come home a take your shoes off and walk around barefooted. In the movie they thought a robot can help fix the problem and you want a robot to help you sweep the floors. A small resemblance there isn't there. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My little enjoyment for the night :)

I started off my day with going to school, doing homework, catching up with friends, and went to work. Yes, I work and I love it unlike most people just go to make a living. Anyways, when I came home I did the normal routine of dropping my backpack off on the couch and greeting my two dogs because they didn't see me all day. I then go into my bedroom to find my boyfriend laying there waiting for me to come home to grab me and give me a kiss and let me know to relax. Well, as we were resting from our long days of work, he then begins to ask if I suddenly became rich if I would take care of him or leave him on the street. Me, being me, joked and said I would leave him on the street, well it didn't seem like a joke to him. He than proceeds to avoid me and play with one of the dogs and then I hear him scream "OUCH!!!!!!!! Bad dog!!! She bit my toe!!!." As soon as he tells me this I begin to laugh and think that's what you get for ignoring me. At first he thought, it hurts a little but no big deal then he walks to the bathroom and as soon as he turns on the light he sees blood. 
Again, I hear him yell "I'M BLEEDING!!!!." As an EMT I'm thinking hes just overreacting and there is no blood, but then I see his food and guess what is actually there, blood! I'm thinking to myself if he needs stitches or need to go to the ER, until I clean it. When I get done cleaning it and actually take a look at the damage that was done, I soon find myself looking at just a witty bitty cut that wasn't even a half inch long! Now the jokes come in about how hes supposed to be this manly man and he is crying over a little cut! Come on now dude, suck it up and while I am enjoying my time laughing at him, I proceed to clean it out thoroughly and put a bandage on it. Talk about over exaggerating.