Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A     Hi there! First off thank you for stopping by my post I would like to properly introduce myself.
B           My name is Audreana (Audrey) Resendez and I am the operator of the site you are on.
O          Here is a little about myself that I would like to share. I am currently a undergraduate at
U          Glendale Community College and planning on finishing my Associates Degree in Science
T          which I than plan to than turn into a M.D, hopefully, at University of California, Los  
             Angeles and study Neurology. In the mean time, I will keep myself entertained with the  
A          Pre-Med Club here at my school and volunteer opportunities that may come up, because
U          who doesn't like helping others in a time of need, but that is not all that I do. I also love to
D          read, go fishing, hiking, and basically anything outdoors! Trust me with 8 brothers and 
R          sisters, I am always on my toes and always doing something outdoors. On the 
E          other hand, I just love to learn anything about how the brain works and having the
Y          option of learning how  our beautiful mind works and adapts, is my secret fascination.    
            Although, I have to admit knowing that one day I will be working with a live human brain is
            AWESOME!! I know that my education will pay off one day but in the mean time, I plan 
            on waiting on paying for school and actually enlist in the Army, and have them pay for my  
           school. Not only will I have a huge debt off my shoulders but I will also get to experience 
           what it is like to be a soldier that way when I become their doctor, I will have a deeper 
            connection of the sacrifice they make.
  "If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward"        
                                                                                  - M.L.K

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